Creating a Society With Stress-Free Spaces for Nursing and Pumping While Out and About

Babies are part of everyone’s everyday life

Creating a Society With Stress-Free Spaces for Nursing and Pumping While Out and About

Japan, USA, Singapore, Malaysia, India, Thailand, etc.

For would-be parents and breastfeeding mothers to live and raise their children freely and with peace of mind, every country needs to make the environment for child-rearing easier. Offering places to breastfeed and pump breastmilk is an important part of this.

Making these “lactation lounges” widely available helps mothers keep breastfeeding for as long as they wish and reduces the barriers to their return to work after giving birth.

Pigeon has established and supported lactation lounges in 24 countries around the world, including corporate offices, to help create an environment where mothers can breastfeed for longer with peace of mind, and returning to work after childbirth is easier for women.

Not only do we support the establishment of lactation lounges, we also provide necessary supplies, from breast pads and breast pumps to nursing cushions that provide posture support while pumping. In this way, we are helping to create an environment with less stress around pumping while out and about.
