Protecting the Environment by Tree Planting (Thailand)

  • Reducing our Environmental Impact
  • 15. LIFE ON LAND


Pigeon Industries Thailand CO., LTD. (PIT) has started a Tree Planting Project in Khlong Si Yat, a national forest of Thailand in Chacheonsao Province every year since 2019. Over the past four years, 130 employees have participated in this project, planted 1,700 saplings on 12,800㎡of land, contributing to the absorption of a total of approximately 13.2 tonnes of CO2e emissions.

It is widely known that forests help prevent global warming by absorbing CO2 and also help preserve biodiversity. In tropical countries like Thailand, the forests play an extremely important role in preventing floods. Moreover, planting trees can actually help to make this world more baby-friendly together with rich nature.

Through this Tree Planting Project, we also learn
1. Importance of forest conservation and global warming prevention
2. How to grow forests and types of trees to maintain ecosystems
3. Importance of forest protection in securing food sources for elephants and other wildlife

Elephants, in particular, are sacred animals for the Thai people, and at the same time, they are partners in supporting each other in daily life. However, due to deforestation and other factors, the number of elephants in Thailand, which once numbered in the hundreds of thousands, has fallen below 5,000 and is now listed as an endangered species. Lack of food can cause them to leave the forest and eat the crops, which can lead to problems with farmers. The PIT's Tree Planting Project is also part of a reforestation project directed by the King of Thailand to create natural foraging areas for wild elephants. Elephants are also an indicator of forest conservation.

We also learn about the significance of social dedication and unity through their participation.

We will continue this project to reduce our environmental impact and protect Thailand's biodiversity.